I wish I had one of those blogs with lots of photos and hotlinks and videos embedded.
Well, not really, but you might wish that's what I had.
As evidenced by the text-heaviness of my blog, I am far more word-oriented than visually artistic. Which is why I am TELLING you what I want to do with my Halloween costume rather than showing you.
Have you seen the Yes We Carve site? It's a showcase of people creating pumpkins with the Obama logos. They provide stencils so if you are basically a genius, you can make a pumpkin that glows with Obama's actual face.

Because it's such an exciting time in terms of the election and also, since my tummy is concurrently getting so round as we near week 26 of pregnancy, I wanted to dress my stomach like a Barack O'Lantern.
In terms of Halloween costumes, I'm generally much better on the conceptualization than the execution. I was sort of sick today and after I went to the vet this morning (thanks for jumping to the conclusion but no, I do not go to the vet when I am sick, but the cat did have an annual), I didn't have the energy to make a real costume or even get an orange tee shirt or a white one I could write on, but I doubt I would have, anyhow. I did consider whether our landlords, who are a painter and a potter, could help me, but they weren't around. We'll see if and how it turns out!